Sikhs rally demanding independent state of Khalistan in front of Indian High Commission in London

News desk

London: On the 78th Independence Day of India, which is known as a democratic country of the subcontinent, on 15th August 2024, Indians abroad, including India, celebrated Independence Day in a festive atmosphere, but the opposite picture can be seen in London.
Calling the day Black Day, diaspora Sikhs rallied outside the Indian High Commission’s India House in central London, organized by the World Sikh Parliament, to demand independence from several Sikh organizations. Although the rally was supposed to start at 1 o’clock London time, Sikhs including men and women gathered in front of the Indian High Commission from different parts of Britain holding Khalistani flags. During this time they chanted slogans like “Khalistan Zindabad” “India Out Punjab” etc. Along with that, the protestors displayed different kinds of placards.
Sikh leaders said that since 1947, Sikhs have been agitating for independence. Although Sikhs play a major role in India’s economy, Punjab has been deliberately deprived of all aspects. Sikhs are still being persecuted at home and abroad. No government has treated the Sikhs fairly. 40 years ago today, the Golden Temple, a Sikh place of worship, was attacked and many Sikhs, including religious priests, were killed. The farmers of Punjab have been oppressed for ages. Indian intelligence forces are killing Sikh leaders not only in India but also abroad.
Speakers say that India is a terrorist state, there is no freedom of expression here, if you protest, the sword of torture will come down. Protesters were killed. Although India is constitutionally a secular state, it is not. India has been turned into a Hindu state under the guise of secularism. Not only in Kashmir or Punjab but all over India, minorities including Muslims, Christians and Jains are being persecuted. Assam-Manipur-Mizram is also being implemented by the Indian government.
Organizations that participated with their own banners and flags included “World Sikh Parliament”, “Sikh Federation UK”, “Sikh Association UK”, Khalistan Movement, etc.

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